Monday, March 5, 2012

The Desire to Inspire ….

I've been sitting at my computer trying to scribble something on the notepad open on my desk for a long time.

There is a requirement to be fulfilled and delivered by end of day and i am still stuck at the first step. Somehow my brain seems to have ceased functioning! at this very point when the need is high I’m out of ideas!!!!

Many times in life we are in similar situations when we desire to perform, but we are in lack of inspiration! Inspiration is required not only for a work of art, but in all walks of life, whether it be to do chores at home, or to bear with the heavy traffic to get to office everyday. Without inspiration life doesn't move on!

As a mother, father, brother, friend, or whatever roles u play in your lives.. how do U add inspiration to your loved one’s life?

Inspiration is sometimes such a heavy word that we tend to look too far for it, when in reality we could have found it not further than our door steps! 

A simple smile, a small word, a gesture of care and concern, would change our worst days to the most beautiful ones. Remember the last time you screwed up your presentation and u were feeling at the edge of the world? On completion when u wanted to hurry and hide, your big boss had congratulated you on your efforts! …. Didn’t that change your worst nightmare to a beautiful dream achieved?

The world we live in is spinning at high speed, we are all in a hurry, to achieve, to compete, to survive.  We say we don’t have time, for fun, for hobbies, for family, for kids, for ourselves….. for all that really matters in life!

We spend our lives, chasing the materialistic world, with the aim of framing a better future for our kids, while our kids grow up without knowing their parents or their love! And later we complain about them not treating their parents right! How contradictory is that!

It’s not always the expensive gifts, which would make someone’s day. Simple gestures of love would do the trick more effectively than anything else!

So the next time you feel good about someone or something… don’t hesitate... go on ..tell them …. be the reason of their smile J ….. It won’t cost you a thing and still will return to you in blessings J … be an inspiration!!! 

- Chalked by Megha Kuruvilla

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